I like this guy.
From: Eocostello <
Sent: Sunday, May 15, 2011 6:03 AM
Subject: [UMA-discussion] "The Beatings Continue Until Morale Improves"
Since, to my knowledge, I have never cracked the spine on any item in Kyell
Gold's literary oeuvre, I have no way of commenting on his work, good, bad,
indifferent or some combination of the senses.
In addition, I have no sensation about the voting system for the Ursas, other
than it's a black box, where votes go in, and results come out. I have not an
iota of evidence to suggest there's anything straight out of the Cook County
Playbook for Running Elections (and Getting Results You Want).
I can therefore only comment on one feeling; the feeling that you get when you
scan the lists of winners.
It's legend that the Polish lancers charged German tanks in September of '39
and came out somewhat second-best. (The truth is a great deal more
complicated.) Nevertheless, for another furry author, there is a definite
sensation of Panzerkampfwagen II tracks on the face when you read this year's
results. I could well be wrong, but it seems that the Gold/Sofawolf group
swept every single award they were eligible for this year, and five of the ten
categories overall. I also ran some numbers a few weeks ago, and either this
is the fourth or fifth year in a row he's won, and he's accumulated something
in the vicinity of fifteen to twenty nominations in that period. It would
appear from this that Gold stands astride furry writing as once did the
Colossus near the Rhodes marinas.
I had posted on FA about this, and a chum of mine gave me a 'phone call in the
Vince Lombardi vein not long after. He suggested writing something that would
appeal more to the U.M. voters; e.g., sex, drama, or the military.
My reaction to this, aside from the fact that I know as much about writing sex
scenes as I do about writing poetry in Urdu, is that there's a certain sense of
irony here. In order to be acclaimed in the fandom, Thou Must Write in One
Particular Genre. Or, at least, that's what the U.M. results would suggest.
So much for diversity, hmm? At least, on the bright side, the nominations show
some diversity, for which I'm thankful. (And make no mistake, I *am* happy I
get at least a few nominations here and there. Bless 'ee, sorr! Bless 'ee!
Insert tug of forelock here.)
I am aware that some of my literary influences are folks like P.G. Wodehouse
and S.S. van Dine, two chaps who if you mentioned them to a hefty chunk of the
furry fandom, you'd get either blank looks or a suggestion that the latter
plays for the Seattle Mariners. I am also aware that my entire weltanschuung
is stuck somewhere between 1926 and 1938, which probably goes a long way toward
explaining the state of my personal life. And my spotty success in awards.
The Vince Lombardi chap I alluded to above says I'm writing in a way that isn't
readily graspable by furry fandom. (In other words, I'm not really giving the
customers what they want -- one reason why the banging of bonce upon drywall is
not aimed at Herr Gold, directly.)
All of which is a long and involved way of observing that the results from the
voting are bound to have some sort of demoralizing, "what's the bloody use?"
effect on other authors.
Personally, I'm going to keep trying. Now if you'll excuse me, I must find my
football. I need something to kick while I charge the machine guns. See?
Military! I'm learning.
E.O. Costello