Ursa Major Awards discussion Blog
Discussion of the Ursa Major Awards.
[UMA-discussion] Revamped categories?
Mon, 7 Dec 2015 07:37:01 +0000 (UTC)
EarthFurst <earthfurst [at] yahoo.ca>
Sometimes there are worthwhile works that don't make it into the
Ursa's Recommended Anthropomorphic List ... for whatever reason
(maybe the furries who knew, forgot to email the Ursa awards).
Would like to suggest that the Ursa awards have aNotable Works from Past Years
category.(perhaps have the category every 2 or 3 years?)
[UMA-discussion] Adjusting the nomination process
Mon, 4 May 2015 01:45:07 -0400
"Max DeGroot" <degroot.max [at] gmail.com>
I did read the replies. I would ask them if any of them voted, and if they did,
did they vote for that one.
Sounds to me more like they are justifying it.
Adjusting the nomination process
Mon, 4 May 2015 00:10:40 -0400
"Max DeGroot" <degroot.max [at] gmail.com>
I think it is a travesty what College Humor did to the Ursa Major Awards. I
don’t know who nominated Furry Force, but give me a break. Is this something we
want representing the Furry Fandom...and awarding it for doing so?
This is not the first time that something has been nominated and won that one
wonders if it truly represents the furry fandom. Avatar won for best picture.
Revamped categories?
Mon, 20 Apr 2015 22:46:55 -0400
"Max DeGroot" <degroot.max [at] gmail.com>
I was just noticing that when it comes to the awards, many of them seem to go
to non-furs. Such categories as:
Best Motion Picture
Best Dramatic Series or Short Work
[UMA-discussion] Midwest FurFest 2014 conbook cover
Sun, 8 Feb 2015 01:34:32 -0800
Rodney Stansfield <rodso64 [at] hotmail.com>
Fred (et al):
MWFF may just be out of luck this time around, unfortunately. I agree with Fred
that more cons need to get cool art from their souvenir books up on line to be
seen. But I think it also behooves the artists themselves to point out that
[UMA-discussion] TAN: Bill Thomas 1949-2015
Wed, 21 Jan 2015 06:17:04 -0000
"Laurence Parry" <greenreaper [at] hotmail.com>
I notice a Bill Thomas mentioned as helping with "Furtherance", too. Presumably
the same Bill?
WikiFur lacks an article on him; contributions are welcome!
[UMA-discussion] is "Circles: The Years Keep Rolling By" a 2014 publication or 2015 publication?
Tue, 20 Jan 2015 12:21:05 -0500
"Max DeGroot" <degroot.max [at] gmail.com>
This sounds like the tactic used by Oscar contenders: Play for a week in Los
Angeles to qualify, then release nationwide in January/February after
is "Circles: The Years Keep Rolling By" a 2014 publication or 2015 publication?
Tue, 20 Jan 2015 03:07:08 +0000 (UTC)
<earthfurst [at] yahoo.ca>
Noticed Circles: The Years Keep Rolling
By (
https://www.rabbitvalley.com/item_9216_1294___Circles-The-Years-Keep-Rolling-By-Andrew-French-Scott-Fabianek-S.html )isn't
in the Ursa Recommended Anthropomorphics List.
Am wondering which year should be considered its publication date (in terms of
what Ursa list and Ursa awards it should be considered for)
New logo needed?
Thu, 1 Jan 2015 18:32:10 -0500
"Max Goof" <maxgoof [at] gmail.com>
Being a fan of bears in general the logo for the Ursa Major awards has always
bugged me.
recommended list not updated
Thu, 15 Aug 2013 21:21:42 -0700 (PDT)
James Fox <cyberfoxdigitalfurry [at] yahoo.com>
I noticed the list for the Recommended Anthropomorphics List of 2013 hasn't
been updated since July 8th
Is there a delay of is there a butt-ton of suggestions to go through?
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